
A background job is a task or process that runs independently of the main program, typically running in the background without user interaction. It allows you to scale your application by performing work in the background.

Creating a background job in Defer is as simple as wrapping your existing code with the Defer client.

import { defer } from "@defer/client";

async function myJob() {
  // business logic here

export default defer(myJob);


Your function must adhere to the conventions below to be considered a valid background function.

  • The function must be located in the defer/ folder to be built by the Defer Builder.
  • The function must be a named function. The function must be named uniquely across all Defer functions (this is a limitation on our end and will be resolved in the future).
  • The function must return a Promise.
  • The function must be the default export (this is a limitation on our end and will be resolved in the future).
  • The function must only use JSON serializable arguments. This means that your arguments must be simple JSON datatypes such as numbers, strings, boolean, arrays, and objects. Complex JavaScript objects like Date, RegExp, Class, etc. will not be serialized.